Just another WordPress site

Just another WordPress site

Love Story

I’m writing a short account of how the Shoggoths came into my life. It’s taking a wee bit longer that planned, but it’s coming soon to my miraculously empty “literary” page. Meanwhile, have a preview. And a small benefic juju I made for my good Flick’r mate, the exquisite MimiLoveForever. Update 13/09/10 More stuff for Continue Reading

Domestic Scenes

Here’s the latest (and possibly the last for a wee while) of the Flick’r Friends series. This one is for Marcella aka Viavisconti, and her new nephew, baby Federico. Update 24/07/10 Here be a newly evolved version of an old caper. Now I really like it! Update 28/07/10. And here be another recycled, or rather, Continue Reading

On me ‘ead! On me ‘ead!

And so we come to that four-yearly cyclic event. That which can whip by and large emotionally catatonic people to a paroxysm of frenzied apathy and, like a civil war, turn child against parent and neighbour against migrant strawberry picker. Yes, it’s the Dreaded World Cup. Here’s my first take  on what, so far, looks Continue Reading

Flick’ring Away

As I was saying, I’ve been spending more & more time on the lovely Flick’r, where people actually talk to me and like my monigotes.  Got quite chummy with some of my contacts there and they have, in turn, begun to infiltrate my illustrations, somehow. Here are a few examples. Never mind the incomprehensible in-jokes. Continue Reading

The Saga Continues

The Great Revision proceeds smoothly and more than pleasantly. Here’s the last one. Better than Odin hanging from whatsitsname thinggy tree? Update 04/04/10 And here’s another one. Nay, two. Update 07/05/10 No, I haven’t gone anywhere, really. Just been living more on Flick’r that here. The Revised Majors are all done. Here are the last Continue Reading

Falling In Love Again

Right. As I was saying. The Tarot deck revision is up & running & coming along nicely. In fact, I’m getting to fall in love with the cards all over again. Or at leastl, some of them anyway. This one, today’s lot, for instance. One of my favourite in the whole deck (any deck). But Continue Reading

The End Is Nigh

It truly is. One more Cup, the notorious Devil and…that’s it, folks. Thank Bumba I still have the mammoth revisionist task ahead, otherwise I’d have ginormous withdrawal symptoms. Anyways, here goes. Update 02/03/10 I’ve been meaning to do this ever since he died, but you know how it is. Well, it’s done. Goodbye Howard, you Continue Reading

Along Came A Rider

Cloppity-cloppitying along the course, sovaldi sale pills here comes a yoof on a horse. Wot closes the Court Cards series. Or, decease as I call it, the Palace Contingent. Three Cups, two Swords and one Devil to go, chaps. Ay, que emosssssion…. Plus, as a bonus, you may as well have two girls not to Continue Reading

The Rehab-Lab Is Back

Long live the Rehab-Lab! This item is one of the really special ones. You know these horrible English filums that English people like so much only because they are English? It would be OK if they liked the bloody dreary things and left the rest of us alone but, oh, no! They do go on Continue Reading

The Family Keeps Growing

The good ship Refusenik has graced my shores once more with her presence, and has been kind enough to bring a new refugee to that welcoming and capacious labyrinth that is my hard drive. His name is PaulDirac O’Higgins-Stein (his mum was a mathematician). He’s very young (a mere 675 years) and quite naive but Continue Reading