Wedding Bells
Darling Declan, officially my favourite Pendejo of all times just got hitched. Best of luck to them. Here’s the Shoggies and Co. with their version of this strangest of human institutions. Salut!
Just another WordPress site
Darling Declan, officially my favourite Pendejo of all times just got hitched. Best of luck to them. Here’s the Shoggies and Co. with their version of this strangest of human institutions. Salut!
Tides. As it says on the tin. Take your pick(s) and then avoid them like the plague. The pious BBC crap, or whatever piffle the Whitehouse claims, or anything The Guardian blathers on are always good candidates. You can never go wrong with them. Oh, and the fucking Daily Mail, that goes without saying, innit.
Maison Shogg Presents. Time again for some frivolity, so here’s the latest alien fashion news.    This autumn every discerning hexapod insectoid life-form in and around the Crab Nebula, who knows their Armani from a hole in the ground, will be wearing this fetching exoskeleton designed by those fashion demons, Rosie and BoomBoom of Maison Shogg. Continue Reading