La Resistence!
Agit Prop. What else is there to say. Listen to the Bear. Watch the voodoo dollies dance. Stay sane!
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Agit Prop. What else is there to say. Listen to the Bear. Watch the voodoo dollies dance. Stay sane!
Reputations. Here, have a little peek at what the wee creatures think of the whole pantomime. This is a casual, tangential ad hominem attack on that hideous clown in No.10, once more trying to impersonate that other repulsive clown (and pimp) that one long time ago, had nothing to offer the country but blood, sweat, Continue Reading
Passengers. Have a heart. For the homeless, the landless, the forcibly deracinated, the viciously pushed around, the thoughtlessly bulldozed, the despised, the lonely and the ignored. For all the declared non-persons in cold blood by the bullies of the global playground, just because they can. And for the Palestinians, for the First (soon to be Continue Reading
Minotaur Mutations. A strange character has appeared out of the blue in the Chromatic Shifting Sands. Nobody can tell what it is since it refuses to reveal its name or even its rank and serial number. We conjecture that it may be vaguely related to Arachne but for the fact that it has too many Continue Reading
Identity Politics. When the I is king uncivil war looms. By all means, divide yourselves like common amoebas; fragment the already fragile structure that could have backed up the R-Evolution; turn your righteous causes into ideological minced meat. Accuse, censor, de-platform, wave fingers, assault, assail, persecute, cancel, make some poor bugger’s life a misery. My Continue Reading