Air Farce One. Â For my good mate don Ricardo Hinks, alias the Professor, who send me the revealing link in the first place. Look! Even old Mother Chaos is in extra turmoil and Yog-Sothoth is alarmed by such psychopathic display of idiocy. Ay que dolor!… 🙂 The link that originated this here doodle: And Continue Reading
Peaks & Troughs. Here you go. Have a lovely Solstice even if there’s little cause for celebration. I’m sure we can fin something to make whoopy about. And here’s a wee bit of apocalyptic gossip to make you smile: The world is due to end tomorrow, June21st. Apparently the readers of the Maya prophecy read Continue Reading
Pre-Solstice 2020. Dig out the teddy bears! Pile up the lemon ice cream! Sharpen your dentures! Dark times are coming and the Tories are not going anywhere any time soon -which is why dark times are coming. Still, resistance is not futile. Keep chipping at the boulder. Solstice card proper soon come. Hugs and rockets.
The Great Hong Kong Swindle. Here are the threatened Squiggles with a home truth or two, poor darlings. Actually, it is 1,500.000 citizens. But really it doesn’t matter. One million or one, he has no intention of granting a single solitary passport to nobody nohow. It’s just another of those pathetic exercises in that China-Bashing Continue Reading