Spare a thought for young Ms FlatFish and her spawn. Female, black, destitute, homeless and single mother of two strapping fishlets, her home has been flattened by some crappy BP-type Mafiosi drilling for oil in her neck of the underwater woods. She’s been on the march for a new home for the longest time. Hungry, Continue Reading
Brief Encounter V. Make up your own stories, do. The Tree-Dwelling Fuzzy and his pal, the Cutting-Edge Tadpole refused to tell me what the (clearly-doomed-to-fail) transaction was all about. That’s all right with me. I have a lively imagination and I know fascist crap when I see it. Shoggdala. Say hello to the Shoggdala. Meditate Continue Reading
My First Cthulhu. Much as I like teddy bears, I can’t remember how and when I got my first one (‘though I remember what it looked like). But I can remember when, where and how I did what is now been reincarnated into this intensely blue mess. It was so much another time, and another Continue Reading
‘ere, ‘ave a panoramic. I’ve been wanting to do one for yonks. Next: a tryptic? There’s no end to my ambition, obviously. Warning: There might be more of this sort of nonsense soon, I suspect. Update 18/07/16 Not quite the tryptic I was hoping for and pretty frivolous to boot, but I’ve just “discovered. a Continue Reading