Entertaining Mr Slothy
Criminal Minds, the Reality Show. There, never say I don’t do my best to keep you posted on the latest entertainment trends. This one is co-produced by Ogle Inc., Pox News and MI50. Enjoy. And in case you though (oh, so wrongly!) that I’d support Hilarious Hillary just because “she’s a woman”, think again. She’s toxic, she is. Once, in an unguardedly insensitive moment of great anger against her, I compared her to a hyena (as female hyenas have nearly as much testosterone as the males). Next day I had a large delegation of the darling Feliformiae picketing my doorstep and complaining loudly about the insult. I apologized promptly and profusely to the admirable creatures, offered tons of Smarties as reparation and signed an official document declaring my devotion to their hygiene-conscious kin. After that we got along famoulsy and they even let me play with the cubs they had brought along (-a PR stunt, no doubt). I’ve still got the selfie somewhere in my hard drive…:-)