Shoggy Saga
Practically writing itself. Must be the beneficial influences of the wee rubbery darlings. Here is Chapter III, as promised. And one of the many Interludes to come. They happened when the Shoggoths were on “loan” to the Yithians. The Yithians were devoted -and ruthless- time travellers and sometimes they took some of the Shoggoths along with them for menial tasks/spying purposes. Once they, the Shoogies, were tasked with shadowing Karl Marx in his Dean St. days. The Shoggies used to steal Karl’s fags and play harmless pranks on him. They stole his fags to mitigate their own stress and alienation, and the pranks were very innocent and good-natured, for they became very fond of both him and Jenny and all her dead babies. Update 03/02/11 A wee break from the serious stuff, I think. Also a way to distract my heart from the tensions in North Africa. Bumba be with us… Update 06/02/11 There, chapter four. Update 20/02/11 ‘Been computerless for nearly a week. It was horrible..horrible… But all is better now because I’ve got it back from the vet. And this here is to prove that I did NOT go bonkers in its absence. (Ha…!)
ja ja ja ja jaaaaaaa, fabuloso marx con los shoggots alla arriba, tan entretenidos !
Compadrito querido! Siempre un gran placer verte en mi casa. Yo hace siglos que no paso por la tuya. A ver si vuelven los buenos tiempos y recupero la “marcha” necesaria… 🙂 Un abrazo!